In addition, he has had problems selecting some of his secretary’s, despite his effort in trying to achieve a by-partisan agreement, he has been unsuccessful. Was this written in the stars? Here is what I had to say in my Spanish blog, Interpres Stellarum;
“Surgirán en el próximo mes de febrero ataques de parte de enemigos abiertos, surgirán problemas de comunicaciones, [¿Blackberry]. Es probable que tenga que ver con esos primeros 30 días y su plan económico. Esto continuara hasta el mes de abril.”
Translation – “During the month of February he will be attacked by his enemies openly, communications problems will occur, [Blackberry?]. It will most likely have to do with his first 30 days and his economical plan. This will continue until the month of April.”
Well McCain is an open enemy and he has been against the stimulus plan all together. His efforts to convince others have not been successful, despite all the Public Relations and efforts made to convince that this is the best alternative.
I also said in my 2009 predictions;
The coming month will be worse, as he faces a nation which is collapsing;
“Those who manage the finances will have great difficulty and obstacles.
His first one hundred days will be of much difficulties and he will not be favored by the people. They will feel he has let them down, and this will continue until the month of July. [In other words, Polls will be low for him].Between the month of March and April he will travel, but his objectives will not be met. His major concern will be over communication and if the country is understanding him.
The automobile industry will be his biggest challenge, and how to increase jobs to stimulate the economy, but only in the automobile sector will this be achieved. Until the month of July, he will feel he has lost honor among the people and he will unsatisfied with what he has accomplished.”
Governors must take action:
“Governors will be obligated to increase tributes, and this will cause anguish and sickness among the people, especially those States that are in a bad situation such as; Puerto Rico, and California.”
Ky. budget deal would raise tobacco, alcohol taxesLouisville Courier-Journal - Louisville,KY,USAHigher taxes on tobacco and alcohol are part of a plan to balance the state budget that legislative leaders tentatively agreed to yesterday. ...See all stories on this topic
Montana gov: Oil production surtax not tax hikeForbes - NY,USABrian Schweitzer took a stand against tax increases just a month ago - a position that appeared to change abruptly Wednesday night during his State of the ...
Budget would boost property taxesDesMoinesRegister.com - Des Moines,IA,USABy JASON CLAYWORTH • jclayworth@dmreg.com • January 30, 2009 Iowa homeowners would pay an average of $63 more a year in property taxes because Gov. ...See all stories on this topic
Senate approves cigarette tax hikeNortheast Mississippi Daily Journal - Tupelo,MS,USAThe Senate, which is where the cigarette tax increase died last session, voted Thursday 42-7 margin to boost the tax 31 cents per pack to 49 cents. ...See all stories on this topic
Bloomberg Will Seek Increase in Sales TaxesNew York Times - United StatesBy DAVID W. CHEN A month after imposing a property tax increase, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is expected to call for a $900 million increase in the city’s ...See all stories on this topic
Counties: State budget cuts will increase property taxesDesMoinesRegister.com - Des Moines,IA,USA“The impact is that there could be a vast majority of homeowners seeing a tax increase.” In addition, Culver has recommended cutting a mental health ...See all stories on this topic
Massachusetts Plans To Impose New Taxes, Cut More Programs To ...AHN - USADeval Patrick proposed on Wednesday the imposition of taxes on a wide variety of goods to raise $587 million, which aims to reduce the state's projected ...See all stories on this topic
February Moon Eclipse:
I also mentioned in my 2009 Predictions that;
“The Lunar Eclipse of February will bring strike and protest among the people, especially in Europe and other nations during the probable month of February through June.”
This Lunar Eclipse will last 4 hours, and the ancients mention that the duration of a Lunar Eclipse will be 4 month. We should start seeing the effects almost immediately, but more so during the end of the month of March and mid-April.
The cities in which we will see this occur will be;
France, Italy Lithuania, Warsaw, Poland, and some cities in the US.
It is interesting to note that this Penumbral Eclipse falls on the President’s Ascendant, and in opposition to his date of ascension. I interpret this to be the opposition that some European nations will have against his policies. As I have mentioned in my predictions, he will commence his foreign travels in May.
Stay posted, as we will continue to foretell the future.