Are we at the brink of an Apocalypse?
For centuries, man has suffered from pestilence and famine, but nothing has been more devastating than war among men. Far from reaching a point of Apocalypse, and then maybe, not too far, but for other reasons, the subject on pestilence and famine has awakened an interest in many astrologers because of the swine flu in Mexico. Although we may have various ways of approaching, from astrological point of view, we know that the ancient’s sages have written down, how to foretell the arrival of such events.

I am sure many would prefer to think that God has sent down his rage upon man for his sin’s and wickedness behavior, so was the thought of many church goers that need justify what has already been written in the stars.
The swine flu that has occurred in Mexico can be first looked at, by reviewing the 2009 Ingress chart for Mexico City.

Abu Masar tells us when Pisces is in the Ascendant;
Therefore, the initial chart already announces that illness will come to the people of Mexico.
Ali Aben Ragel also mentions when to foretell sickness and epidemics;
“Determine the Ascendant of the Year and the Ascendant of the conjunction or the opposition which is produced prior to the entrance of the Sun in Aries. Then, if these two Ascendants and the Moon were free from malefic and fortunate and the luminaries were oriented to the ruler, or to the luminaries that are the Ruler of time, it means that this year will be free of popular sickness, and other things.
The Ascendant of the year is in Pisces, and Jupiter in unfortunate and weak in the XII house. The luminaries; Moon is in the XI house in his sect, but in an earthly sign Capricorn, which is her detriment. The Sun is in his exaltation, in the II house, but he is out of sect, so he loses strength.
The ruler of the Ascendant, Jupiter, nor the ruler of time, Sun, have aspect among them. So we can conclude by looking at the first chart, that they will suffer an epidemic, however, since Jupiter is in his own terms, and in his house, we could conclude that it will not be of major proportion.
Therefore, we then proceed to look at the syzygy Moon, which occurred on March 10, 2009, New Moon in Virgo and the Moon is in conjunction to Saturn, and in opposition to the Sun in Pisces.
Masha Allah tells us about the conjunction of the planets;
“The conjunction of the planets signifies the accidents of this world and its matters, which are thus to be considered at the time of the higher and lower planets…,
If however they were conjoined in feminine signs, they will signify pestilence and of the death of animals[3]..,”
The Ruler of the Ascendant is Libra, Venus is in the VII house, Aries, and in opposition to the Ascendant. He does not aspect the luminaries, once again, announcing the epidemic and death among the people.
It is interesting to note that the signs of the swine flu are; similar to that of the regular flu, including fever [Venus in Aries], (usually over 38.5 degrees C or 101 degrees F), runny or stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, aching body, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, [Moon and Saturn in Virgo] and vomiting.
The Outbreak of the Swine Flu:
We already know that the outbreak was reported late march[4], according to various sources. Can we determine the outbreak astrologically?
Yes, when both luminaries became conjunct, the New Moon. This occurred on March 26, 2009, at the end of March when it was reported.
Will this be the worse?
I believe more death will come to the Mexican people, due to bad weather, such as rain and floods during a later part of the year.
[1] Abu Masar On Historical Astrology Edited and Translated by Keiji Yamamoto and Charles Burnett
[2] Ali Aben Ragel El Libro Conplido de los Iudizios de las Estrellas Vol 8 Chapter 31
[3] Masha Allah On the Roots of Revolutuion Translated by: Dr. Benjamin Dykes Works of Sahl and Masha Allah
[4] Deutsche Welle:,,4231148,00.html
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