Mars rules his period, from 41 – 56 years of age, and according to Ali Aben Ragel;
E despues d’esto passa el gouierno a la V planeta, que es Mars, e gouiern(a) el V estado en los annos e es estado uaron complido e gouierna el nacid XV annos segund la de sus annos menores propios e contece-l en este tiempo durezas en su vito e ocasiones en el cuerpo e tristezas en el spiritu e comienca el cuerpo de abaxar-se e en lo demás aura a trabajar e fazer fechos que aura a larzar e e entremeter-se mucho de acucias por ganar, e lazra en ellos antes que llegue al tiempo de la muerte[1].
Which means;
And after this, (referring to the past paragraph), the governorship goes to the fifith planet, which is Mars, and governs the fifth state of the years of the native for fifteen year, according to the lesser years, and during these times, he will have difficult times, and occasionally is body will suffer, and he will have a sad spirit, and his body will feel tired, but he will work hard, and he will commence things which he should abandon, with the intention to make money, and all this will happen before his death.
Mars, is not strong, in his VIII house in peregrine, in his natal chart.
Distribution of the Sun:
Vittius Valens provides some interesting thoughts about the distribution of the planets. This year the Sun in President’s Obama’s chart distributes to himself, which indicates[2];
“The Sun distributing to itself and well figured produces brilliant acclamations and actions, alIiances with superiors and those who are greater, and unexpected benefits. And if it should also happen to be with benefics or should be witnessed by them, it introduces greater reputation and benefits. But lesser ones by night, or [the time] will become full of troubles, producing enmities and judgments or dreadful accusations. But if a malefic should also fall with it or testify, it bringson a diminishment of livelihood or reduction of reputation, and precarious travel abroad and enmity of the father, or danger and troubles with things”.
His Sun is in the VII House, and in a night chart, so we can expect that he will have many troubles and will awaken open enemies, since he has his Saturn in the XII House, and he becomes his worst enemy. He will have a reduction of his reputation and he will travel much during the year, and will be well received in foreign lands, this is because of his year of revolution, since his Sun will be in the House of his joy, and aspecting his Ascendant.
Distribution of the Moon:
“The Moon handing over to Hermes indicates a time that is effectual and easily made right in relation to female persons and alliances, and especially if it should be configured with good stars;.[3]”.
His Moon is peregrine in the V House and she is found in the II House in his Reuolutiones annorum, in Capricorn, peregrine and in her detriment. And Valens continues to say when the Moon distributes to Hermes;
“..and troubles on account of money or writings or matters of calculation..[4]”
His chart clearly has emphasis on money and his reputation concerning money, since Saturn is in his X house of Reuolutiones annorum. These concerns will commence during the last period of September, in which according to the Libra Ingress, (Imprimatur Stellarum – Libra ), the US economy will not be strong, and we will see the economical situation in the US be much graver.
“When Kronos has distributed to itself, it signifies vexations and inactivity, and enmities and disgraces from superiors or elders, and the native will become subject to hindrances in his applications; or else, if he should do something, it will be unsteady. And if it should also be contemplated by Hermes and Ares, he will suffer vexatious prosecution on account of writings, and judgments and subversion or chicanery concerned with old affairs or those pertaining to death, and treachery, and whatever he will persevere in has the wrath of god; he will become gentler and effective at things by means of slowness[5]”.
Saturn is in his XII, which indicates he is his own enemy, retrograde, and contrary to sect, which means that Saturn is not in a good position. Ares, Mars, is trine to Saturn;
"... And if it should also be contemplated by Hermes and Ares, he will suffer vexatious prosecution on account of writings, and judgments and subversion or chicanery concerned with old affairs or those pertaining to death, and treachery, and whatever he will persevere in has the wrath of god; he will become gentler and effective at things by means of slowness."
Saturn in his X house of his Reuolutiones annorum, according to Ragel, has changed sign and is found in the X house, it means that;
“E para mientes en la Reuolucion del anno: si acaeciere en alguno de lo(s) anglos, significa bien e dignidat, e lo major de los anglos es el medio cielo en esto, que significa que aura Regno o sennorio[6].”
And if it should fall in the Revolution of the year, in an angle, it signifies good and dignity, and the best of the angles is the mid-coelum , which means Rulership or power.
But Saturn is not strong in his Reuolutiones annorum, so my interpretation that he will retain that power, but will lose popularity and strength among the people. And having his VIII house in the MC, signifies death of his reputation and honor. I believe, since Mercury is strong in his X house, that he will seek the counsel of a financial person or accountant, or an astrologer.
Profected Year:
He commences his profected year in the Ascendant, which is in Aquarius, and Saturn is the Ruler of the Year in the XII cadent, retrograde and contrary to sect.
So what does Ali Aben Ragel has to say about the dominant planet, (acelcadonj) , or the Ruler of the Year;
“E sy fuere en estos logares estanno(s) mas que sea Recebido, andara carreras luengas e aura en ellas bien[7].”
And if he were (Saturn), in strange places, and receiving the aspect of another, he will make long travel and will receive benefits from it.
Mars is joined to him, but he is not in a good position, so he will not achieve the benefits, during his travel, that entire year.
The Presidents Firdarias this year is under the Sun/Mars, and according to Ali Aben Ragel;
“E sy la nacencia fuere nocturna, significa que se camiara de vn estado en otro e de vna maestria en otra e andara carreras e lazrara lazerias fuertes e aura grand sabor e grand cobdicia de mugeres e de fornicios e acaecer-l’a(n) por ellos e fara tuertos a omnes e aura pleitos con omnes e acaecara-l’an pesares por esto e por pleytis e acaecara-l’a taiadura de fiero o mordeduras de can o de otro uestiglo e enfermera e quica su enfermedat será XIX días non mas[8].”
And if he were born at night, this signifies that he will change from one situation to another, and he will change magistrate, and he will travel, and he will work hard, and will be disciplined and desire for women, and to fornicate and sickness will come to him, and he will be hostile to men, and it will cause heaviness and because of this they will seek to harm, and will be cut by iron, o bitten by a dog or from another animal, and he will become sick and his sickness will last 19 days.
From Bob Hands translation we have;
"But if the nativity is nocturnal, the native will be changed from one state to another and from one magistery to another; he will make journeys and will be pained by various hardships; he will do injustice to men and he will have quarrels with them; because of this troubles will happen to him, [as well as] the cut of a sword, the bite of a dog or other animal; or he will be made infirm for a space of 9, 15, or 19 days, after which he will recover."
If he were to get sick, this would happen somewhere in November, but I would not be surprised if he is limping or having problems with his leg. We may also hear that his digestive system is not well during the month of March. If he is bitten, it may happen because of his dog. Throughout the year, he will have an excellent bill of health, some minor problems we most likely will not here of, such as some bile problems, and upper shoulder or back problems. Nevertheless, he will be well in health.
Reuolutiones annorum:
Ali Aben Ragel VI Book has extremely interesting treatise on the Revolution of the Year, which provides some insights as to how the native will be during his year.
For example he addresses Mars;
“E acaeciere Mars en el mismo signo o en su catamiento de cuadratura o de opposicion, significa miedo grande e feridas e llagas e danno de taiamiento o de fiebre o de quemaduras de fuego, mayor mientre si fuere en esto en aglo o en succedente, e quica significa carreras medrosas e peligrosas.[9]”
And if you should find Mars in the same sign or in orientation to his sign by square or opposition, it signifies that he will have big fears, falls, wounds, scars, and hurt by fever, or burn, and this would be more so if Mars was in an angle or succedent, and he will fear travel and danger.
Mars in his Reuolutiones annorum, is in an angle, and see’s his “original” house Virgo in the X. So open enemies will want him out of the White House, and will seek to harm the President during his term. Most likely we will hear for more attempts against his life. And it applies a square aspect to Saturn, in the X, which we find trine to his natal chart. Therefore, they both continue to see each other in the Reuolutiones annorum.
Ali Aben Ragel addresses peregrine planets and he tells us to look at the origin of that planet in the natives house, and see where it falls in the Reuolutiones annorum, of his yearly profection. In other words, if his annual profection has a peregrine planet in it, look then to the Reuolutiones annorum, and see were it falls, and this is just as important as the Ascendant itself.
President Obama’s Moon and Mars are both peregrine, in the V and VIII house, respectively, but it does not fall in his profected year.
When Planets fall in the same house of another planet:
I find that Ali Aben Ragel is quite extensive in his explanation as to what happens when a planet falls into the house of another planet in the Reuolutiones annorum,and I also find interesting, as you have seen in my analisis of “The Ascension of a Ruler,” that Mars is badly afflicted in his natal chart and is trine Saturn. And this year, Saturn is in the house of Mars. So what does Ragel have to say about this:
“E quando llegare Saturno en la Reulucion al logar en que Mars en la rayz, e ouiere en la rayz o en la reuolucion algunos de los testimonios que deximos, significa que el nacido andara carre(r)as e aura mester a sus hermanos e a sus amigos e aura d’ellos e non acertara en sus conseios e fazer-sel’ an sus fechos a duro e danna-se su ley e su creencia e su uoluntad e diran de’el mal por esta parte[10].”
And when Saturn arrives in the Reuolutiones annorum, at the place of Mars, and he has testimony over the things we’ve said, it means that he will travel much, and it will be favorable for his siblings and friends and he will benefit from them, and they will follow is counsel , because their business will do well, and he will be frivolous, and they will speak badly of him.
“E quando Iupiter llegare en la reuolucion al su logar mismo en que fue en rayz, renueua e aduze el bien que auia segund en la rayz e aura auer e ganancias de logares que non sospechua nin en aui(a) fiyuza[11].”
And when Jupiter arrives during the Reuolutiones annorum, in the same place from where it originated, it renews and confirms the goodness which it has in its origins, and it brings riches and gains which he does not expect.
Dorotheus of Sidon[12] tells us;
“Jupiter in the house of Saturn, he will be wealthy, and for this no praise or honor will be known, and his secret affairs will not be looked into, bu he will lie in easy circumstances and will not be according to the extant to the extant of his condition, and with this he will be charming in foregiveness and will not stretch out his neck to power and praise and will not consider it, but tribultaions will come to him in time[13].”
Jupiter is in Aquarius in the Ascendant, and in his Reuolutiones annorum, falls in the III House, the house of communication under the terms of Mars who is in Gemini. He will not be honest with the public, but this will have its consequences in the future.
“..e si el testimonio ouiere Mars en ues d’ella, hara carreras e pechara por razón de su campann o por razón de mugeres. E sy algún sennorio quiere, danna-se[14].”
And if there was testimony in that place, he will have short travels, mptivated by his community or for a women, and if he has some power, the same will be diminished.
He will receive more opposition by his party and it will be more difficult for him to get what he wants. He will continue to travel.
“E quando Uenus llegare en la reuolucion al su logar mismo en que fue en la rayz e ouiere poder e testimonio en el anno, puiara en ualia e en prez e llegara a sennorio e renouar-s’’ an las cosas que signific en la rayz, e puiara en companna e en criazón e en vestidos e en ropas[15].”
And when Venus arrives during the revolution in the same place it originated, and has testimony for the year, his esteem will increase and self worth, and he will achieve power and he will renew those thing which was in his chart originally.
Venus in the terms of Mars and in Cancer signifies lewdness and fickle passions. But he may also be changing his position about employees, or addressing topics about job lost, this will happen during the month of January or March.
E quando Mercurios llegare en la reuolucion del anno al logar en que fue Mars en la rayz e amos ouieran testimonio en el anno, significa que aquel nacido annascara mentiras e falsedades e dira cosas que non fuemos nin acaecieron[16].
And when Mercury arrives in the revolution of the year in the same place that Mars was in, and both have testimony in that year, it signifies that the native will say lies and false things, and will affirm to things that have never happened.
Those he promised to help, associates or other countries will hear excuses and reasons as to why they have been unable to fulfill their expectations. He will present himself well, truthful and honest, but he will be deceitful.
“e sy fuere con esto infortunada, acaecer-l’an pleitos de que se enbargara, e su con el infortunamiento que ouiere..[17],”
And if she were unfortunate, it will bring hardship, which will impede his work.
The hardship will come to the people and the economical restraints that they will have, and this will be in great deal to the decisions he has made. The Moon in the II house, confirms that much will have to do with the economy.
Overall Review:Some of his decisions will not be well received by his wife, and she will not agree with issues pertaining to the children. Most likely it will be she who will have back problems or the upper shoulders. It will not be a good year for him, what he will try to achieve during his travel will not be met.
He will continue to lose popularity among the people, but will continue to communicate effectively throughout the year, but people will no longer believe in his word. This year he will receive a lot of threats, but he safe from all danger, but his enemies are many and he should be careful of the near future. His biggest hurdle..., the economy, especially at the end of September and beginning of October. The economy should get far worst than what we have seen.
[1] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Translated by David Hernández
[2] The Anthology By Vittius Valens – Translated by Robert Schmidt Book IV Page 47
[3] Ibid
[4] Ibid
[5] The Anthology By Vittius Valens – Translated by Robert Schmidt Book IV
[6] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[7] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[8] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[9] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[10] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[11] Ibid.
[12] Carmen of Astrologicum by Dorotheus of Sidon – Translated by David Pingree
[13] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[14] Ibid.
[15] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
[16] Ibid
[17] El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de los Estrellas by Ali Aben Ragel – Revolutiones annorum nati Book VI Chapter VII Translated by David Hernández
Great article David!
ReplyDeleteMajid Buell